Do you know a company that has created patented inventions in the UK?

If so, they will be eligible for a lower effective corporation tax rate of 10% – rather than the standard 19% – on their relevant profits.

The Patent Box tax relief is the Government’s way of rewarding companies that drive innovation, and encourage new patent inventions. This tax relief enables companies to save money and invest in future projects, where the average benefit is £61k for SMEs and £2m for large companies.

Starting a Patent Box claim with Catax is risk-free and straightforward. We’ll take a few basic details of your inventions, which allows us to make an initial assessment of their patent position. If we can’t find a claim, then we’ll let you know – just a few minutes spent on the phone.

Don’t let someone you know miss out on a significant tax relief benefit.

To book a free appointment with one of our experts, please contact us here