The Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship is a part-time, flexible programme aimed at highly motivated middle to senior managers across all sectors.  The programme can be tailored to your business’ needs and it provides real-world business education where apprentices continually apply their learning directly back into the workplace.  

The programme combines the core knowledge, skills and behaviours recognised in the Senior Leader Apprenticeship standard

Topics covered in the programme include strategic management, operations & technology management, leadership & organisational behaviour, sustainability and business ethics, digital & international marketing and finance.  These topics ensure apprentices develop the fundamental skills and knowledge that are needed to become a responsible and innovative leader.

All participants who successfully complete the programme will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate in Senior Leadership Development and will have the option to continue their studies towards a Durham MBA (Online) for an additional fee.

The next cohort will start the programme in June 2023.

About the Durham Senior Leader Apprenticeship

The Senior Leader Apprenticeships provides participants with a strong foundation to enable them to become strategic and influential leaders.  It will challenge, inspire and provide apprentices with the business knowledge, experience and enhanced capabilities to manage and lead in a global environment.