Episode 2: Accounting Tech

Our ‘Bang the Drum’ podcast, which launched earlier in November, is hosted by journalist Emma Sheppard and welcomes SME leaders and talented advisors to share their experience and knowledge.They’ll explore everything from the best accounting tools and ways to grow your workforce, to strategies for optimising cashflow and setting aspirational goals for the future.Episode 2, ‘Accounting Tech’, is live now, wherever you get your podcasts – including Apple and Spotify. If you missed episode 1, ‘Cash is King‘, you can listen here.

Listen | Episode 2: Accounting Tech  
This episode dives into some of the accountancy challenges facing SME owners and the tools and technology that can help them get on top of their business finances and responsibilities.


Upcoming episodes  

  • Green, Green Growth – How to implement sustainable initiatives into your SME business, where to start, and when to start turning sustainability into profitable growth.
  • Diversity & Inclusion – The positive impact of integrating D&I into your business culture and how to make good on commitments to your people.
  • Time to Buy – Integrating acquisitive growth into your business strategy: How to identify the right businesses to buy and complement organic growth with targeted acquisitions.

You can follow the podcast on your favourite player, leave a rating and share with anyone you think should hear it. Simply search ‘Bang the Drum’ to discover. You can contact Bang the Drum at podcast@azets.co.uk.