How do you measure success?

There are a number of metrics we can use but generally it is accepted that this comprises the following 7 elements in regards to business;

1 – Profitability
2 – Number of Customers
3. -Satisfaction Level of Those Customers
4 – Employee Satisfaction
5 – Your Satisfaction
6 – Level of Learning and Knowledge
7 – How You Spend Your Time

The first three of these obviously relate to the financial success of the business and the last four being slightly more difficult to measure, albeit just as important as these create the enjoyment we get on a daily basis and support strong staff retention in a very turbulent market.

What about applying that question to our marketing strategy? How do we measure the success of marketing?

That can be incredibly difficult as the results of this may not be seen for a significant time. You can after all raise the profile of your business at a time when your services aren’t required but a year later when those services are needed, the customer remembers your business as a result of the campaign – right person / wrong time.

Engineering & Manufacturing Network members will be learning how to use digital tools to maximise your marketing strategy at our next lunchandlearn with affiliate Horizon Works, looking at the following critical topics;

1 – Which digital marketing tools you can use that are relevant for manufacturing and engineering businesses
2 – Application of these in your marketing and the benefits of adopting different digital marketing techniques
3 – How they can dovetail with other marketing activities and improve your customer experience
4 – Examples of digital marketing tools in practice

The host will be Engineering & Manufacturing Network member The Expanded Metal Company Limited who are also very kindly providing a facility tour for attendees on 1st March at 12pm.

Why not join us and expand your knowledge of your own marketing tools and needs along with some good old fashioned face to face networking!