Where is the best place to get advice? Surely the answer is from someone with the experience and credentials required to answer the query or solve our issue.

Engineering & Manufacturing Network have created a Peer2Peer network with support from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership bringing together a group of automotive and advanced manufacturing businesses to support each other in working through strategic and operational issues.

How do these groups work? Simply by raising a challenge and then allowing each business owner to talk through their experiences and suggestions to bring resolution. That brings an absolute wealth of knowledge which is shared between all participants in a confidential, relaxed and friendly group.

Sounds quite simple? Well, yes it is really and it’s a format we will be bringing out to our wider membership in months to come. Challenges will vary but topics like succession, sales and marketing (let’s keep those separate!) are at the top of the list.

Our network already supports its members incredibly well with opportunities raised almost every day and the team seek to find solutions from within the network to each of these. So a question. Who do you turn to for support? The answer will of course depend of the support needed but why not think seriously about joining a network that supports its members like this every day.

Interested? Get in touch with the team Kaye Collins Christopher Hird