EMN Education & Training Member Application
We ask all our members to sign up to our core values, note the benefits of membership and what we ask in return of our members. Please read these before completing the application.
EMN Values
- EMN is an engineering and manufacturing community that it’s members are proud to be a part of;
- Our focus is to provide tangible benefits for our members;
- We are trusted to provide impartial peer to peer advice and support and are approachable, friendly, helpful and accessible;
- 80 % of our members will be from the Engineering & Manufacturing Sector and we endeavour to retain this split at our events with an 80% representation;
- Our focus will always be our Engineering & Manufacturing members needs and this drives 100% of our activity
- We are a targeted Network/Community, not an open cluster.
Our Education and Training members are from the public and private sectors and offer specific, relevant and engineering & manufacturing focused training provision.
- Three EMN e Newsletters per year – delivered direct to Engineering & Manufacturing Members
- Introductory social media post on sign up & renewal of EMN membership
- First call on EMN event Service Provider tickets
- Second call on EMCON Service Provider stands and discount
- Second call on sponsorship and presentational opportunities at EMN Events
- Tag EMN in on Linked in Posts and we will reshare
What we would like from our Service Provider Members
- Sign up to the EMN Values (see above);
- Support us at EMN events through attendance, inviting interested companies and sponsorship;
- Introduce 3 or more Engineering & Manufacturing clients to EMN and encourage membership
- Adhere to the EMN network sales protocol that enables advertising through agreed Network channels;
- Repost and circulate EMN social media posts