Data centres: protecting projects across the life cycle
Demand for data centre capacity is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. But quality and reliability are the cornerstones of every project. Risk management, which includes insurance, must be a key consideration.
Bird flu: mitigating the risk of disease outbreak and spread
As bird flu continues to spread around the globe, poultry farmers need to stay alert and remain vigilant with mitigation measures. While it remains available, insurance cover can provide a degree of indemnity against lost revenues.
Protecting business against the changing terrorist threat
The terrorism threat is shifting from large-scale, organised plots to individual, lone-wolf terror attacks. To minimise any potential loss, businesses must understand their exposure and reassess their protections accordingly.
Unlocking the grey belt: challenges and opportunities for developers
The UK Government seeks to unlock ‘grey belt’ land for development to address the housing shortage in England. However, existing legal encumbrances or uncertain ownership can present risks to developers.