Durham County Council has commissioned thinkingplace to work with us to develop a shared place story, brand and identity for County Durham. This will help build pride and local confidence, market the area to attract people to County Durham, encourage inward investment and visitors, create jobs, and support existing business in the area.

County Durham has some great assets, lots of potential, and more needs to be done to raise the profile and image of our area With this in mind, we want your views to help us understand priorities as well as ideas you may have for the future of County Durham.

This is about:

  • Making County Durham a better place to live and work
  • Creating a place where people want to spend time and money
  • Understanding our assets so we can package them better
  • Ensuring we have an environment where businesses choose to locate, stay and grow
  • Appreciating the assets that surround us which should be part of our narrative
  • Defining and celebrating what makes County Durham special

Online Survey:  https://bit.ly/CountyDurham

Workshops: https://bit.ly/CountyDurhamWorkshops