Teesside University are now offering fully funded internships to businesses which will begin on 5th August 2024. Internships are offered on a full time (37 hours a week for 10 weeks) or part time (20 hours a week for 20 weeks) basis enabling interns to apply the skills and knowledge acquired to a graduate level role in a professional environment. Interns are paid directly by Teesside University. They offer businesses access to motivated graduates with industry specific skills and fresh perspectives, to help provide skilled resource for short term projects or busy periods.

If you would like to put forward a role proposal/ s please complete the form through this link https://forms.office.com/e/CrW8LxW1gX and return this by close of business on Thursday 23rd May.  (If you would like to put forwards more than 1 role please complete multiple copies of the form via the link).