Affiliate Event: Muckle – Getting your contracts right – a practical approach

We know putting together a contract can be intimidating but it doesn’t need to be.
We’ve designed this course to take the stress out of the process, giving you the know-how to negotiate and manage your contracts with confidence. If you put in the work upfront and get it right the first time, you’ll save your organisation time and money in the long run.
Why attend?
Delivered by experts from our Commercial and Dispute Resolution teams, the course will cover the basics of contracting as well as highlight some of the more complex issues, including termination and disputes. Our experts will provide you with practical tips to help identify risks and common pitfalls, as well as highlight where you might be able to identify potential opportunities so that you can achieve your commercial objectives.
Who should attend?
Suitable for those who are new to contracting and procurement as well as those who may want to refresh or deepen their understanding of some of the more complex contractual issues.
9.00 a.m. Registration and breakfast
9.30 a.m. Start
11.00 a.m. Break
1.00 p.m. Finish
The event costs £200 per person + VAT (plus Eventbrite fee +VAT) = £257.39